Hi! my name is Liliia and I am the owner of Light Fox Photography - Red Deer Family photographer.
If you have never done a Family photo session before, it can be a little scary and confusing... but also very exciting!
But there is nothing to worry about... if you hire Light Fox photography... haha...
But seriously, here is a little guide for your first Family photoshoot.
#1 Do your research.
When you are looking for your local photographer, do a little research.
If you are from Red Deer, Alberta, google "Red Deer Family Photographer" and you will see the list of options. Pay attention to the amount and quality of reviews.
Go to the website of your family photographer and check her/his portfolio.
It will give you some idea of the type of photo editing they do. And if you are happy with what you see, get in touch with the photographer...
And don't be shy, ask all the questions you want.
The important ones would be :
- Fee and Deposit requirements
- Amount of digital images or/and prints
-Amount of hours of photography service
- Studio or Outdoor photo locations
- Copyright rules.
-Fee for extra time or images, etc...
#2 Get Ready
Know exactly what you want!
Go online and research Family photo session images. It's a good place to find some awesome ideas for your first Family photo session. It will help you to get an idea of which locations look good and what style and colors of clothe looks the best.
The simple rule is to stick with solid calm colors, such as grey, white, beige, brown, dark blue, denim, etc...
Try to avoid busy prints and bright "neon-like" colors.
Pick your location or let the photographer do it for you. But, make sure to share your "vision" with your family photographer as much as possible. Communication is the key to a successful photo session.
#3 Be Punctual
That sounds funny, but that can happen... So make sure to put it on your calendar to avoid losing your deposit. Get to your location 15 min earlier. To avoid losing any time on your photoshoot, make sure to get to the place a little bit earlier. That with cover time for greetings, signing the contract and choosing the best spot for your amazing photos.
#4 The Best Way To Say Thank You
We hope your first experience with Family photography will be nothing less than awesome! And we highly appreciate it if you put your trust in us - Light Fox Photography - Red Deer Family, Newborn & Maternity Photographer.
For me personally, the highest reward is a happy client. That's why every single of your good reviews literally makes my eyes water...
We won't forget this, and will return the favour with discounts on future sessions or free extra images!
